Trends, New Year Have in Magic Box for Web Development

By admin General , Mobile App Development , Technology Updates , Web Development 1

Every moment, day, week, month or a year bring you something new, more creative, inventive and much more useful to make your life better. The pace at which technology is advancing itself is astonishing. As we analyse, advancement in electronic accessories and their related software and services are transforming actively on daily bases.

Every industry is trying hard and doing its best to remodel itself with the pace of IT transformation. Industries living the competition are re-equipping the most recent technologies and amending their procedures and services every now and then. Tycoons of each business ought to comprehend the latest trends, technologies, and services to remain ahead and reach the globe within the most fascinating manner.

Now, you do not get to worry and wish not to study tons before taking the future steps. WDMTech, as always, is here to help you out in any way to lead the competition. Professional training really makes a difference, so we train our experts on the technologies much before they hit the market with boom. We are already advanced to provide the below mentioned services with an upper hand over other web development service providers.

Progressive Web App

Google software engineer Alex Russell describe PWA as “a website that took all the right vitamins.” Concern of low performance, poor quality and lack of internet connections is now overcome by PWA because of its modern web capabilities.

Building new Android or iOS apps are expensive and time-consuming. PWA overcomes these shortcomings and delivers smooth app-like experience for the mobile web. As per the Gartner’s prediction up to next year android and 50% of the iOS mobile apps will be replaced by the PWA apps.

So, opt for our progressive web app development services and take advantage of features mentioned below in coming years:

  • Installable
  • Lightweight and fast
  • App-like behaviour
  • Responsive
  • Connectivity Independent
  • Safe and Secure
  • Progressive
  • Always Up to date
  • Re-engageable
  • Linkable
  • Discoverable

We are practically involved in developing solutions crafted with PWA features so that clients should get fast and reliable solution within reasonable cost.

Artificial Intelligence:

Technology is advancing towards highly unpredictable intelligence. Every domain is having a great shift from muscular power, physical strength and human intelligence to robotic automations having much more strength and have great level of artificial intelligence.

  • By the year 2025, the global artificial intelligence market is expected to be almost $60 billion; in the year 2016 it was $1.4 billion (Source: Accenture)
  • Artificial intelligence can also increase business productivity by up to 40%. (Source: MIT)
  • Global GDP will grow by $15.7 trillion by the year 2030 thanks to artificial intelligence. (Source: MIT)
  • Investment in artificial intelligence start-ups grew 6 times since the year 2000. (Source: MIT)
  • Already about 77 percent of the smart devices we use feature one form of artificial intelligence or another. (Source: Accenture)
  • Google analysts also believe that next year, 2020, robots will be smart enough so that mimic complex behaviour of humans like flirting and jokes. (Source: Accenture)

Implementing AI for design and development of web and mobile apps like ecommerce solution, custom CRM solutions, ERP solutions and CMS development is bringing revolutionary changes in coming future. AI is used in improving User Experience, personalized content, voice search optimization etc. When it comes to use AI in web development, our experts do it well enough to give you amazing experience.

Programming languages:

Are you going to plan a website? Yes! Then, you must concern about the programming language going to be used. Every language has certain advantage over others but some of them are more trending in coming future. Few of the leading development languages are:

  • JavaScript
  • Java
  • Python
  • PHP
  • C++
  • C#
  • TypeScript
  • Shell
  • C
  • Ruby

Programming languages

Developers and professionals must be more aware with the future programming languages which will be used for web and mobile development. We understand your requirement and budget and then suggest you the best language to go with for your custom solutions. WDMTech never outsource anything because of having experts of custom web app development in popular languages used now and in coming future.


There are frameworks giving ground environment for website development. Every framework used now a days has certain advantage over others. Frameworks can be selected as per there responsiveness, quality, and the language you are using in back end. Some of the popular frameworks for future are:

  • React JS
  • Vue.JS (PWA)
  • Angular JS
  • Laravel – PHP
  • jQuery
  • Django – Python
  • Flask – Python
  • Express – Node.js
  • Rails – Ruby
  • Spring – Java

React and Vue are the future of web development frameworks. Angular is also in the line but number of developers don’t satisfy with the efficiency of this framework. WDMTech recommends you go with any of the above frameworks to get best out of your product.

Interactivity and other features:

Coming year is full of technological advancement and new digital features which will make your web and mobile apps more interactive and automated. Some of the technologies which are talk of the town now a days are mentioned below:

  • Voice commands
  • Interactivity
  • Adaptability
  • One-page sites
  • Chat bots
  • Purpose – practicality

Our solutions full of above-mentioned features makes life much easier for the client. Our voice supported apps improves user experience. We deliver interactive and responsive solutions which can support any devices. We also develop one-page sites for clients who prefers to opt that because of the fast loading and simplicity. New year will be full of AI Chat Bots to resolve general queries of users. We believe on practicality and remove all options not in use and try to display only those things which make user experience at its simplest.

Future could bring you some independent platforms, technologies and frameworks, so be ready as “We are”. Upgrading your website with the trend is necessarily to be done to grow your business and to compete into the market. Desires of the users are changing day by day; we analyse user desires and make fool-proof plan to execute it with great efforts and for excellent results. We serve you with web development and mobile app development services, digital marketing services, API development, enterprise software solutions, Quiz & Survey tools and maintenance & support.